When/Where/MoreYour Host- Harmony GatesGuidelines for the Circle: |
Every Monday 9:30 - 11:00 am PST
Absolutely FREE No commitment is necessary. If you find the experience valuable, you may join us when you wish. Attendance at Circles varies, but is generally 8 people or less-so there is ample time/space for everyone who wishes to share your ❤️ Connection Circle host is Harmony Gates To Register to receive the weekly ❤️ Connection Circle invitation, please contact Harmony: [email protected] You Belong. If you feel moved, Come to experience authentic sharing and deep listening. A 'connection catalyst', Harmony helps people Be authentic, and connect and relate with others genuinely and satisfyingly.
Harmony brings a light-hearted, engaging, infectious energy to dances, classes, workshops and groups. She is a powerful, confident leader, who guides others safely, gently and irresistibly to 'shine', and confidently connect with others. Harmony was introduced to NVC over 20 years ago, and it has influenced her communication style and enhanced her life and relationship skills in the best way. Harmony trained with John Kinyon in his "Mediate Your Life' series in 2017. She has done professional mediation for Ecstatic Dance, Oakland, and incorporates empathic listening principles in her 'Radical Aliveness' and Relationship coaching practice. Guidelines for the ❤️ Circle Practice:
FOUR INTENTIONS OF OUR CONNECTION CIRCLE (adapted from another listening circle) Speak from the heart Listen from the heart Speak spontaneously Be succinct in your expression 1. The first intention is to “speak from the heart” when you share. This means to speak not only with your your ideas, but with your feelings as well. In NVC (Non-Violent Communication) this is called sharing “ What is alive in you ”. 2. The second intention is to “listen from the heart” when another person shares. This means to listen without judgment, to listen with an open mind, even if you disagree with what the person is sharing. Listen with your full, and open attention. Listen empathically with your heart. Listen for understanding. 3. The third intention is to “speak spontaneously.” This means that we try to wait until we actually speak before we decide what we want to share. When we share this way, we are more likely to find something new as we speak. 4. The last intention is to “speak succinctly.” Succinct expression is brief and clear. When you share, keep in mind that many others may want to speak, and that there is limited time. Please remember that no one is required to speak. In Addition: Use " I" messages. We speak only for ourselves and share our understanding, no matter who or how something has been activated in us. We keep confidentiality. What is said here, stays here. In this way we create a safe place for everyone to share vulnerably if they wish. |