Deep Contact Relational Bodywork
Deep Touch, Slow Moves, Safe, Steady Connection
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More about these sessions
After you share your needs and desires, we usually begin with simple hand to hand, or body to body connection that attunes us to each other through shared touch; connecting our centers with small interactive movements and attuned breathing. I Initially help you feel into yourself—your own physical organism—through your responsive pressing, yielding, reaching and pulling movements with me. Together, we build rapport and a shared touch and movement language through tactile and kinesthetic signalling.
I cannot know the sequence or pathway to your expansion in advance. I trust it to unfold. and I listen and follow our flow. I gently guide and encourage you to find your ‘agency’ your inner authority, and I am careful not to override you or your system; your own brilliant intelligence. This invites and calls forth your spirit and inner power as you begin to trust yourself and express yourself, while experiencing yourself being accepted and embraced unconditionally by me.
I am fully present with and hold space for you. I let you show me what your needs are and how you want to be met.
As we move together, If you become still, I wait with you. If you find you feel stuck, I invite you to release something. I lead ‘from behind’, meaning I am either following and supporting you, (intuitively knowing where you going even before you do,) or I am inviting you to take yourself and us somewhere; inviting you to initiate and move toward your own enjoyment and pleasure; to follow your own desire, to move forward into your own future self.
You determine the pace of the session. I trust your inner self to move you according to your readiness. I honor and support that.
In this process you feel seen, held, supported, encouraged, soothed and met. I let you express, and I meet your expression. This can be a powerfully healing, transformational experience.
Together we practice fully embodied (physical, but non-sexual) intimacy with each other. It is an improvisational, dynamic unfolding, with each of us contributing mutually and with autonomy. I function as a ‘secure’ partner that meets you, reflects you and warmly accepts you.
One of my clients reported at the end of our session: “I had no idea where I was going but you were always there when I got there.”
Another claimed, “This is wasabi for the soul!”
I safely guide you and accompany you to feel your own energy, your emotions, the sensations in your body,. To fully attend to yourself. I am there with you, accessible and available as you begin to reach toward connection— as you recognize and reach for nourishing human witness, touch, reflection, responsiveness, engagement and support.
I am not wanting you to become dependent on me. You are your own Source and resource, and I am simply a highly attuned catalyst and activator. My modality invites you to self-connect and align, initially through co-regulation, to my steady attuned, aligned presence.
As you discover and strengthen your own unique self-attunement and self-alignment pathways, I encourage you to initiate self-connection and alignment without needing to find your attunement through me. I am there with you, supporting and encouraging you to act independently of my presence or influence. This is an essential step to achieve the autonomy of your own agency. The freedom to act without preoccupation and strategizing around how others may receive your spontaneous impulses to act.
The core skill of this modality is empathic attunement. I see & receive you as you are; not interfering, not abandoning, but simply accepting and reflecting you. It is this accepting attention that builds neurological re-patterning. As you entrain with me, you learn to stay present, and consciously and continually experience yourself as life unfolds. You experience this present moment of communion with me, without abandoning or overriding yourself.
Engaging in this corrective interpersonal relational process with me prepares you to engage in this kind of intimacy with others; intimacy where you are continually present in your autonomy and conscious choice as you deepen emotionally, physically, and spiritually with another.
These encounters, first with me, then with others, heal attachment wounds, and teach you to feel safe, supported, and deeply nourished in your relationships. You learn to connect deeply and acceptingly with yourself, and bring that self-connection into your relationships with others.
”I can describe our session as deep contact in dance, where you met me on levels that facilitated me to drop in more profoundly to my own full body experience of being held, attuned to, connected with, and responded to in a way that peels away layers of feeling separated from the flow of life and humanity. All the ingredients that co-regulate the nervous system of the
receiver, and help heal early attachment wounds.”
- John Michael Grey-
John Grey, Ph.D. is a relationship coach, workshop leader and author. He received his Doctorate in Psychology in 1975 from Stanford, where he taught and codirected a National Science Foundation sponsored research center. His research papers in psychology have been published in major scientific and professional journals, and are widely quoted in college textbooks. He has extensive training in cognitive and behavioral psychologies aimed at short term treatment and goal-directed coaching that achieves specific results. He has broad training in psychology of personality structure and the Enneagram (over a decade of training with Helen Palmer), and how to overcome relationship issues caused by differences in personal styles. John is trained in somatic psychology, trauma resolution and Somatic Experiencing (the work of Peter Levine, Ph.D.). And he is trained in attachment psychology, buidling secure adult attachment, and Emotionally Focused Therapy, or EFT (the work of Sue Johnson, Ph.D.
After you share your needs and desires, we usually begin with simple hand to hand, or body to body connection that attunes us to each other through shared touch; connecting our centers with small interactive movements and attuned breathing. I Initially help you feel into yourself—your own physical organism—through your responsive pressing, yielding, reaching and pulling movements with me. Together, we build rapport and a shared touch and movement language through tactile and kinesthetic signalling.
I cannot know the sequence or pathway to your expansion in advance. I trust it to unfold. and I listen and follow our flow. I gently guide and encourage you to find your ‘agency’ your inner authority, and I am careful not to override you or your system; your own brilliant intelligence. This invites and calls forth your spirit and inner power as you begin to trust yourself and express yourself, while experiencing yourself being accepted and embraced unconditionally by me.
I am fully present with and hold space for you. I let you show me what your needs are and how you want to be met.
As we move together, If you become still, I wait with you. If you find you feel stuck, I invite you to release something. I lead ‘from behind’, meaning I am either following and supporting you, (intuitively knowing where you going even before you do,) or I am inviting you to take yourself and us somewhere; inviting you to initiate and move toward your own enjoyment and pleasure; to follow your own desire, to move forward into your own future self.
You determine the pace of the session. I trust your inner self to move you according to your readiness. I honor and support that.
In this process you feel seen, held, supported, encouraged, soothed and met. I let you express, and I meet your expression. This can be a powerfully healing, transformational experience.
Together we practice fully embodied (physical, but non-sexual) intimacy with each other. It is an improvisational, dynamic unfolding, with each of us contributing mutually and with autonomy. I function as a ‘secure’ partner that meets you, reflects you and warmly accepts you.
One of my clients reported at the end of our session: “I had no idea where I was going but you were always there when I got there.”
Another claimed, “This is wasabi for the soul!”
I safely guide you and accompany you to feel your own energy, your emotions, the sensations in your body,. To fully attend to yourself. I am there with you, accessible and available as you begin to reach toward connection— as you recognize and reach for nourishing human witness, touch, reflection, responsiveness, engagement and support.
I am not wanting you to become dependent on me. You are your own Source and resource, and I am simply a highly attuned catalyst and activator. My modality invites you to self-connect and align, initially through co-regulation, to my steady attuned, aligned presence.
As you discover and strengthen your own unique self-attunement and self-alignment pathways, I encourage you to initiate self-connection and alignment without needing to find your attunement through me. I am there with you, supporting and encouraging you to act independently of my presence or influence. This is an essential step to achieve the autonomy of your own agency. The freedom to act without preoccupation and strategizing around how others may receive your spontaneous impulses to act.
The core skill of this modality is empathic attunement. I see & receive you as you are; not interfering, not abandoning, but simply accepting and reflecting you. It is this accepting attention that builds neurological re-patterning. As you entrain with me, you learn to stay present, and consciously and continually experience yourself as life unfolds. You experience this present moment of communion with me, without abandoning or overriding yourself.
Engaging in this corrective interpersonal relational process with me prepares you to engage in this kind of intimacy with others; intimacy where you are continually present in your autonomy and conscious choice as you deepen emotionally, physically, and spiritually with another.
These encounters, first with me, then with others, heal attachment wounds, and teach you to feel safe, supported, and deeply nourished in your relationships. You learn to connect deeply and acceptingly with yourself, and bring that self-connection into your relationships with others.
”I can describe our session as deep contact in dance, where you met me on levels that facilitated me to drop in more profoundly to my own full body experience of being held, attuned to, connected with, and responded to in a way that peels away layers of feeling separated from the flow of life and humanity. All the ingredients that co-regulate the nervous system of the
receiver, and help heal early attachment wounds.”
- John Michael Grey-
John Grey, Ph.D. is a relationship coach, workshop leader and author. He received his Doctorate in Psychology in 1975 from Stanford, where he taught and codirected a National Science Foundation sponsored research center. His research papers in psychology have been published in major scientific and professional journals, and are widely quoted in college textbooks. He has extensive training in cognitive and behavioral psychologies aimed at short term treatment and goal-directed coaching that achieves specific results. He has broad training in psychology of personality structure and the Enneagram (over a decade of training with Helen Palmer), and how to overcome relationship issues caused by differences in personal styles. John is trained in somatic psychology, trauma resolution and Somatic Experiencing (the work of Peter Levine, Ph.D.). And he is trained in attachment psychology, buidling secure adult attachment, and Emotionally Focused Therapy, or EFT (the work of Sue Johnson, Ph.D.